Thank You For Nursing Your Baby In Public

Ever recieve a note or card thanking you for nursing your baby in public?
Here are a  few going around:

 Texas Department of State Health Services  “License to Breastfeed in Public

lets get some of these with the Wisconsin Legislation to pass around

and the Breastfeeding Note:

Thank you for nursing your baby in public.
You are not only nourishing your child,
but the hearts and minds of everyone here.
When nursing in U.S. is more
common and understood, the credit will go
to women like you. I thank you on behalf
of my grandmother who had never
heard of breastfeeding. I thank you on behalf of
my mother, who hadn’t a single soul to support her
nurturing instinct. I thank you on behalf of my
daughters and granddaughters, may
they never think twice when their children
thirst. May they never search for a “secluded
corner,” a dressing room, or a restroom. I thank you on
behalf of every woman who ever was
or ever will be. Have a beautiful day.

copyright 1999, Lisa Russell

One thought on “Thank You For Nursing Your Baby In Public

  1. Just a note that there is Wisconsin legislation to protect the right to breastfeed in public currently pending in the Senate, but it has NOT passed into law yet. SB 30 will be scheduled to be heard by the full Senate once the budget passes. Here is the text of the bill:
    Breastfeeding in public is NOT illegal anywhere in the U.S. Here’s a great article on the subject of breastfeeding and the law from Mothering Magazine:

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